Friday, January 11, 2013

Get Out and Hike 2013!!!

Duncannon, PA.  A friend who helped and inspired me to "Get Out and Hike"

     As I sit here on the brink of another hiking season I have been getting quite a few questions regarding an assortment of topics in regards to hiking and backpacking.  This year I plan on being more diligent with posting entries and putting together videos to answer questions as well as share what little wisdom and experiences I have acquired that will help others enjoy the great outdoors.
     With this being said.....I would like anyone who comes across this little island of mine to leave a comment as to any questions you may have so I can direct my attention and efforts towards what people really want to hear about rather than me just speculating.  If you feel more comfortable shooting an email you can do so to  My goals are simple....I want to motivate as many people as I can to get out into nature as I possibly can!!!
     When I started into backpacking I combed the internet for as much information as I could searching videos, blogs and anything to do with hiking.  I found a lot of people who helped me out and were willing to share their knowledge and experience.  I want to return the favor by passing this information along, share my experiences and help others as I have been helped.
     I really appreciate all the kind words people have been sharing with me.  It really means a lot and I hope that any information I can share helps!!

Happy Trails!!!


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